When I first began blogging back in November 2005 after two years of actively reading blogs but not participating was because attending the first Mind Camp triggered my desire to participate in the blogging community not just as a voyeur but as a contributor. That year of blogging allowed me to learn about the medium, my interests, my communications habits and style and how quickly people find your blog on Internet without you ever tell them that is there.
Last year my blogging activity has dropped to levels that even David Sifri´s from Technorati, with his generous definition of what a live blog is, will probably agree that my blog was dead. My last post was in March this year and the overall activity since last summer was very low. Another problem was that since my blog appears now first in Google when you search for my name, having a dead blog there did not reflect very well, so I was thinking about completely removing the site from the Internet.
A great deal of personal and professional changes have happened to me in the last year since I moved back to Barcelona and joined Telefónica and I have been using that as a self-excuse for not blogging.
So why the blog restart?
I just came back from attending the 11th edition of Campus Party in Valencia and being there has again spurred the need for being active part of the Internet community as attending Mind Camp did back when I was in Seattle. Campus Party was a great event and I had the chance to participate not just being there but attending the opening ceremony (so I saw the now famous "I am Deivid from Tenerif" life, you can see it in You Tube here), organizing a visit with some Telefónica executives on Tuesday (some pictures here), sponsoring some development and robotics competitions and participating in the jury and in the awards ceremony (pictures of that here). Campus was great and it made me realize that the Spanish Internet community, although smaller, can be as active and creative as the US one, that I was more familiar with, and the finding has made my job suddenly much more interesting. And I want to be part of that community. Also being there was a great opportunity to spend a great time with the organizers, Paco, Belinda, Alejandro, Marcelo, Richard, David, Miguel Angel, etc. and with some friends and colleagues like Raul, Oriol, Pablo, Fernando, Mario, Juan Carlos, etc. the gang from Telefonica R+D Barcelona and tons of other people that I met there so restarting my blog is a great way to keep in touch with them.
For the time being I am using the same blog platform even though I am not particularly happy with it (and it is not free) but I will leave changing to some other platform for a later time. I had a more urgent need to start writing than to get up and running a more fancy platform. Alternatively, I have decided to set up a Facebook account since I had lots of recent request to join Facebook from friends the last few months. Even though is still a bit buggy, I was impressed with the site, how easy is to configure and add third party apps to your profile after they opened up the platform, great move from their side and even tough lately some prominent bloggers are claiming some Facebook fatigue I think that the time you spend updating the site is worthwhile so I will stick to it for a while. You can find me here in Facebook and feel free to link to me.
So, here we go again.
Welcome to Carlos Domingo's Un poco de todo Weblog, V2
PS.- Geek test: Which famous post was the source of inspiration for this post? Post the response in the comments section, the prize is that I will consider you from now on a true Internet geek.